The included free TCC67 C compiler is 99% ANSI C compatible so complex structures and such are certainly possible. But TCC67 is a C compiler not a C++ compiler (no classes).
Texas Instruments CCS can be used. The COFF output file format (*.out) is compatible with TCC67 and loadable with our loader routines. Also TCC67's debug information is compatible so TCC67 programs can be debugged with CCS.
However what is missing is a way to link calls from code you might write using CCS to make calls into KFlop/KMotion code. TCC67 has a special feature to read in the symbol table from a COFF file to resolve external references. I'm not aware of a similar capability for the TI compiler. As a workaround if your code only needs to reference a few functions and variables you could print the addresses of those symbols using a TCC67 program then hard code them into your code.
So the short answer is that it is possible but with some difficulties.